Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where can I get a prepaid international phone and how does it work?

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by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

Question by lily.velez: Where can I get a prepaid international phone and how does it work?

This Fall, two friends and I are planning to go to Europe for a week of travel. We want to be able to communicate with our families back in North America without dealing with international fees from our cell phone providers. I've heard a little about prepaid international phones... does anyone have more information about them? How exactly do they work, and where can you get one? Thanks!

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Answer by Rocket
Buy an unlocked GSM quad banded phone.any model will work...when you land at the airport stp by any cellular kiosk and they can set you up wit a local number and explain the charges backto the states..usually around >25 per minute..hope this helps

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