Friday, January 28, 2011

Telemachos (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought Translation Series)

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Telemachos (Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought Translation Series)

Köhlmeier's novel weaves together in highly original fashion two different literary traditions: Homeric epic and the German 'Bildungsroman' or developmental novel. Its action rests on a framework suggested by Books One to Four of the Odyssey, the section called the Telemachy. This is the basis for a novel of universal proportions, spanning Western history from its origins as described in Greek creation myth to the present day. -- Modern Telemachos, son of Odysseus, is here a normal, intelligent sensitive youth with a girlfriend, an uneasy relationship with his mother Penelope, and the uncomfortable burden of responsibility to the inheritance of a heroic father. The goddess Athene has little success in her efforts to transform him into a warrior hero. Her efforts founder on his modern, very human sensibility.

List Price: $ 26.50

Price: $ 26.50

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