Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why is the military spraying barium and aluminum particles in the atmosphere over populated areas?

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Question by The messenger: Why is the military spraying barium and aluminum particles in the atmosphere over populated areas?

I've heard a couple of reasons. To combat global warming, the particles reflect UV rays from the sun. The military is experimenting with ways to make the atmosphere more conductive for the HARPE weapon. The military is experimenting with radar jamming techniques. Other reasons I've heard are a bit extreme and involve to much speculation. If anyone has any insight on this or knows of any activists groups out there trying to put a stop to these experiments/practices please respond. Thank you.

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Answer by pisgahchemist
And despite what you have "heard", what makes you think that the military is actually doing that? And by the way, I have a bridge for sale. Interested?

Here's something you can add to your conspiracy theory.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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