Friday, January 28, 2011

What were 3 major issues that determined the outcome of the November Elections?

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by sachman75

Question by Chad: What were 3 major issues that determined the outcome of the November Elections?

Why do you believe that the issue is of significant importance? What do the results tell you about how the majority of Americans feel about the issues?

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Answer by Dan the TEA Man
1) Economy - despite a nearly trillion-dollar stimulus (really a pork barrel spending bill), the unemployment is stubbornly high.
2) ObamaCare - the American people simply will not accept the way this law was put together - back room deals, exemptions for government officials, as well as the massive size. Congresspeople didn't even know what they were voting for!
3) Corruption - it was clearly wrong when Atty Gen Eric Holder let the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia get off scot-free, despite clear evidence of voter intimidation.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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